How Do I Deal With Toxic In-Laws? (2024)

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How Do I Deal With Toxic In-Laws?
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Caleb's with us in austin, texas, hi caleb.

How are you good better than I deserve? How about you guys just the same sir? How can we help figured out? Well I'm calling on behalf of my amazing wife, her and her mom had a falling out about probably about three years ago and I'm sorry, say it again, how long ago probably about three years ago? Three years ago? Okay, yeah and it's.

Still, pretty uh, pretty hectic.


And so my, what does that mean? What does hectic mean? Uh, it's, not it's, not a good relationship.

Um we.

So we had our son who just turned nine months, they met once and our the kind of the rules we have is not allowed at our house and my son's, our son's, not allowed over there and it's it's it's way heavy on my wife, um.

So what do you feel? I need to draw that's a hard boundary, why'd you feel the need to draw that boundary it's, it's, uh, it's, just a cancerous person.

I guess to say, be more specific you're talking, pretty vague be specific.

Something happened that said, you cannot do that there's a danger to your child.

Yeah, uh.

Well, just the environment.

Uh, her boyfriend is not, uh, not the best man in the world, um she's, just she's, very negative.

She's always heard our marriage would laugh and tell people we're not gonna last when my wife got pregnant said, uh, you know that I wasn't gonna stick around okay, and we had a miscarriage, and she just blew it off.

And my wife just recently asked her to uh, if they could go to counseling and try and fix it.

And she was just like, uh, all things about it and it's just it's.

I mean, it's, just to me.

My kind of view is if if the thought of being around someone stresses me now, I just don't even want to deal with that that's easier said than when it's your mom and yeah, and your your wife has a picture in her head of this new baby and her mom's a part of that.

And she had to draw boundaries for whatever reason I still don't fully get it, but she had to draw some boundaries that doesn't include her.

So she's gonna agree I'm trying to understand just as a guy I'll, let john talk a bit, but, but so your mother-in-law's, uh, series of offenses are that she's a jerk? Uh, yeah.

Well, I mean, she's done something other than has she done something other than just been a jerk to your wife, uh, no, no like physical harm.


But no, I mean is her.

She just like nasty and kind of mean, snarly, snarling, yeah.

And I mean, there's a lot of uh, ethical things that have gone on with like, uh, finances and stuff like that that I don't want to air out right like she stole from your wife, uh, well from uh, her father, okay, she's just a person of no character, right? Yes.

Okay like so she only will talk to my wife when her boyfriend's out of town.

And then when her boyfriend comes back, she doesn't respond to anything so what's.

The challenge is your wife just struggling with just putting a period at the end of that relationship and moving on, yeah, it's, it's.


It eats her up inside, yeah and that's where I'm calling and like I'm just trying to, you know, I guess the man of me is just like well, you know so long and for her it's harder and I'm, just trying to figure out.

Yeah, it's.

Her mom, yeah, that's.

Her mom, yeah, you got to honor that don't go don't get in the trap of talking bad about her mom, getting attracted supporting her and loving her.

At some point she's gonna have to make the decision she's gonna have to put a peer to the end of that sentence.

Her mom's never gonna do it with her.

Because if she would you wouldn't be in the situation, the first place, so your wife's gonna have to decide to grieve this loss and then start creating a new picture that's going to include her baby you and whoever else, but not mom and your wife can do that on her own terms in her own time and that's frustrating and annoying.

If you're a husband who loves his wife and doesn't want to see her hurt, but any time there's, a separation from a mom like this it's just going to be hurt.

Yeah, it's going to be hard.

Yeah, especially a lot.

Let me throw out something, um, the secret to happiness is low expectations.

And so, um, if uh, if her mother had a I'll just make up something, I don't know something where let's say she had alzheimer's.


And when people get alzheimer's, they generally either become much nicer than they used to be or much meaner than they used to be.

Um, my mother-in-law got alzheimer's and bless her soul.

She got nicer and, um, uh and kept feeding the dog until the dog got fit fat.

I mean, it was, it was almost humorous.

And so because she forgets, she fed the dog.


So if you had someone like that, you would not, we were never looked at sharon's mom when she was going through that and said, we we lowered our expectations of her because she was deficit.

Does that make sense? Yeah, no.

That makes more.

I mean, my expectations.

I don't mean to gain any well, yeah, and I think your wife still has high mom expectations of a woman who can't deliver.


And so if she lowered her expectations and just said, pretend like mom has alzheimer's and she's a little nutty because she's a little nutty, dude.

The woman you just described is like oscar the grouch, yeah and she's, really, not god.

She's, really, not got her crap together, mentally this woman, doesn't.

But I can see the challenge between someone with alzheimer's and saying this person's got, I know, but I'm saying, if you if you if you're I'm talking about his wife, if she said, instead of hoping mom is going to be all supermom, oh she's never going to be.

I know, instead said, let's, treat her as if she's deficit because she is gotcha if you and you just go, oh that's.

Just my crazy mother.

This is just her mother.


Just my crazy.

Mother that's.

Just my crazy.

Mother, yeah.

I mean, and then you don't, then you don't get all tore up about it.

Because she the reason my the girl's getting all tore up about it.

She keeps thinking mom's going to come through she's got she's got this picture.

Am I wrong? Um, yeah.

But I think I think that I think that that having lower expectations isn't going to make her feel good she's still going to have to be she's still going to have to grieve that thing that mom's never gonna come through like that.

I don't disagree with that.

Yeah, but I'm saying, if every one of these conversations it's like my mom, did it again? Well, what did you expect? Yeah, yeah.



If the rattlesnake's gonna bite you right? That's, it the stinking snake bites so don't be when they start, you know, when that little tail starts wiggling and making that little noise you just get back, you know, caleb.

Let me ask you.

This are you in a place have you all backed yourselves into a corner with an either, or that was a little bit over the top or do you feel good about it? Um and I'll, ask you this, I know a lot of first-time parents who who make these big declarations.

You can't come into my home, unless you've you've showered in lysol and wash your hands.

And by third kid, you know, the kids walking in with a handful of dog do and nobody cares right? Have you all first kitted this situation where you have you've made these declarations, yeah.

And I don't know, my mindset is if you have to hide seeing my son, then why like why? Why are we even gonna be around that type of person? Well, I don't disagree with you.


Well, yeah, it's.

The bottom line is there's a lot of heartbreak for your wife it's, very hard for her.

Um, crazy.

Mom's just gonna be crazy you're looking at it, very like, ah, that's.

What it is and it's just it's it's.

Her mom, you can't take that loose that there's still that umbilical cord in the spiritual world, be gentle with your grieving.

Man, I'll, send you a copy of henry cloud's book called boundaries, he's a friend of john's and mine and it's, a world-class book on this subject.

Hold on I'll, send you a copy of it.

How Do I Deal With Toxic In-Laws? (2024)


How Do I Deal With Toxic In-Laws? ›

What boundaries? One of the most effective ways of dealing with toxic people is to put boundaries in place that enable you to have distance from them. Unfortunately, toxic in-laws have a habit of refusing to accept their place in your relationship and will ignore any boundaries you attempt to establish.

What to do when in-laws are toxic? ›

7 ways to take back your power from toxic in-laws
  1. 01/8If your in-laws are toxic, then these tips will help you. ...
  2. 02/8Don't entertain their gossips. ...
  3. 03/8Don't work on pleasing them. ...
  4. 04/8Be confident. ...
  5. 05/8Stand strong. ...
  6. 06/8Learn to forget. ...
  7. 07/8Shift your focus. ...
  8. 08/8Manipulate your in-laws.
Feb 25, 2022

How do you not let toxic in-laws affect you? ›

What boundaries? One of the most effective ways of dealing with toxic people is to put boundaries in place that enable you to have distance from them. Unfortunately, toxic in-laws have a habit of refusing to accept their place in your relationship and will ignore any boundaries you attempt to establish.

What are the characteristics of a toxic in law? ›

Toxic in-laws tend to take any situation as an excuse to react negatively, make a scene, or put you on the defensive. “Toxic in-laws react negatively to almost anything,” says Ross. “They blow little things out of proportion, view any comment as a reason to blame or shame you, or become angry, or verbally abusive.”

How can I protect my marriage from toxic in-laws? ›

Ways to protect your marriage from toxic in-laws

Both you and your spouse need to make sure that your in-laws know what is acceptable and what is not acceptable and abide by the rules that are in place. It may also be helpful to let your partner deal with their parents if they are disrespectful to you.

Is it OK to stay away from in-laws? ›

You can refuse to stay with your in-laws and you most definitely do not need to be best friends with your sisters-in-law. It is absolutely normal to want to stay away from them. Staying away from your in-laws does not mean that you don't like them or don't want to spend time with them.

How do you manage in-laws you don't like? ›

What to Do If You Don't Like Your In-Laws
  1. Communicate With Your Partner.
  2. Avoid Sensitive Topics.
  3. Establish Boundaries.
  4. Don't Take Things Personally.
  5. Accept Your In-Laws As They Are.
  6. Be Thankful for the Good Moments.
  7. Spend Time With Them.
  8. Find Common Ground.
Mar 31, 2022

Is it normal to not like your in-laws? ›

Actually, disliking your in-laws is incredibly common. After all, you fell in love with your partner and committed to them. You certainly didn't fall in love or commit to their critical mother or controlling father. So don't think there is anything wrong with you for not being fond of your extended family.

How do you set boundaries with toxic in-laws? ›

Tips for Setting Boundaries with In-Laws
  1. You Shouldn't Be Eager to Poison the Well. ...
  2. When Making Boundaries with In-Laws, Stay United. ...
  3. Try to Find Common Ground and Acknowledge Shared Interests. ...
  4. Make Sure to Separate Your Relationship from Your In-Laws. ...
  5. If You Need Help Setting Boundaries with In-Laws, Consider Counseling.
Nov 2, 2021

What are the 4 toxic behaviors? ›

The four behaviours are Blaming, Contempt, Defensiveness and Stonewalling. Relationship expert Dr John Gottman termed these "The Four Horsem*n of the Apocalypse" as they spell disaster for any personal or professional relationship.

How do you deal with inlaws that don't respect you? ›

How to deal with your in-laws' objections
  1. Don't budge an inch.
  2. Don't forget that you're the authority in your family.
  3. Put your in-laws in their place.
  4. Re-evaluate the boundaries you've set.
  5. Keep your distance.
  6. Only spend time with your in-laws if your spouse is present.
  7. Meet on neutral territory.
Oct 15, 2013

Can in-laws cause divorce? ›

Many married couples do not realize that just because you're married to someone does not mean that a parent-in-law or other extended family member has a free pass to impose, hurt feelings, or cause other types of stress in the new spouse's relationship and life that can lead to divorce.

Can I sue my in laws for ruining my marriage? ›

It is entirely possible for mother-in-laws (or father-in-laws) to find themselves being sued by their child's spouse for allegedly destroying the marriage. The important takeaway is to understand and accept that your child's marriage involves two people and neither of them are you.

How do I tell my in laws not to visit? ›

Instead, whenever you can, provide an honest explanation for why you can't take part in a visit. If you really are sick, just say so. Or, if you have a lot of work to do, say something like, “I'm sorry, but I'm really swamped at work and I can't do a visit this weekend.”

How do you know if your in laws are toxic? ›

6 Signs of Toxic In Laws — And How to Combat Their Behavior
  1. They are over-dramatic and reactive. ...
  2. They play the blame game. ...
  3. They don't respect boundaries. ...
  4. They are controlling. ...
  5. They find fault with everything. ...
  6. They are inconsistent.
Mar 3, 2021

How do you say no to living with in laws? ›

Instead, sit down and have an honest one-on-one with them about the situation. Let your partner know how you feel and listen to their perspective. Remember, a no coming from the both of you means much more than from just one of you. Not to mention it's much politer.

Am I obligated to take care of my in laws? ›

Every family plays by its own rules and usually makes them up as they go along. The only fundamental requirement in caregiving is understanding and respecting your own physical and emotional boundaries. If you don't, then no one else will. Ignoring the fact that your aging in-laws need help is not an option.

Who comes first your spouse or your parents? ›

Many married couples have trouble with the question of who comes first, your spouse or your parents? The answer is your spouse – that's your first obligation. When you get married, you leave your parents. It doesn't mean you don't talk to them anymore (unless they're horrible), but you have to cater to the new dynamic.

How do you emotionally detach from in-laws? ›

In the meantime, here are some ways to cope with your not-so-nice in-laws:
  1. ACCEPT. Accept your in-laws and the situation as best as you can. ...
  2. DETACH EMOTIONALLY. Detach emotionally as much as possible. ...
  3. SET BOUNDARIES. Columnist, Nadia Shah. ...
  4. SUPPORT. ...
Feb 11, 2014

How do you tell your in-laws don't like you? ›

So, take a look at the following signs your in-laws don't like you, and see if any apply to your situation.
  1. They forget to include you in plans. ...
  2. They repeatedly cancel plans. ...
  3. They drop passive-aggressive zingers. ...
  4. They snub you. ...
  5. They don't give you gifts, ever. ...
  6. They always let you pick up the tab.
Jun 27, 2016

When in-laws make you feel like an outsider? ›

It's totally normal to feel like an outsider for some time, and that can be super hard to tolerate. However, with patience, mindfulness, and intentionality, it's possible to actually use this time to learn about your partner and their family, and build a solid and cooperative alliance with all of them.

Why is it hard to stay with in laws? ›

While one could point to many reasons why in-law relationships are so notoriously difficult to manage, it really boils down to two primary issues: boundaries and expectations. “Families can have rather strange boundaries,” says Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a psychologist who specializes in relationships.

Is it OK to not have a relationship with your in laws? ›

The truth is, you may never like your in-laws. And that's totally fine. You don't have to. It's just important to keep the drama and the tension to a minimum as much as you can for the sake of your spouse and your children (if you have them).

Why do I get anxiety with my in laws? ›

Your in laws could cause you a good amount of stress through their rude behavior, which could elevate your anxiety, and in turn, you might end feeling socially awkward in their presence, the more you accompany in social events them the more you feel unpleasant and unhealthy about being there with them.

How in-laws can affect a marriage? ›

In-laws sabotage a marriage by consistently forcing their children to choose them over their spouses. They may demand that a woman spends the holidays with them instead of with their spouse or create arguments and demand that their child take their side.

What are healthy boundaries for inlaws? ›

Rayburn says some examples of healthy boundaries to set with in-laws can include: limiting how much time you spend with them if necessary. managing expectations around traditions during the holidays. not talking about certain topics, such as relationship issues.

How do you outsmart an emotional manipulator? ›

6 ways to disarm a manipulator
  1. Postpone your answer. Don't give them an answer on the spot. ...
  2. Question their motivations. Manipulators often hide their real motivations because they don't like to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviors. ...
  3. Show disinterest. ...
  4. Impose boundaries. ...
  5. Keep your self-respect. ...
  6. Apply fogging.
Jun 23, 2021

What is a Gaslight mother-in-law? ›

A favourite tactic of the narcissistic mother-in-law is gaslighting. This is where she tries to make you question your perception of reality and memory of events by denying things that you know to be true. Did she say your bum looked big, then denied she ever said such a thing when you called her up on it?

What is a passive-aggressive mother-in-law behavior? ›

A toxic mother-in-law may ignore you frequently and this is a hallmark type of passive-aggressive behavior. She may not talk to you and only speaks with your spouse, pretending like she didn't hear you. If confronted, she will come up with excuses and attempt to shift the blame onto you.

How do you outsmart a toxic person? ›

Tips to cope with toxic people
  1. Set boundaries even if it creates guilt. When dealing with toxic behavior, knowing where to draw the line is critical. ...
  2. Avoid getting drawn into the drama. ...
  3. Talk with them about it. ...
  4. Resist trying to fix things. ...
  5. Limit your time around them. ...
  6. Above all, ditch the blame.
Nov 15, 2021

Do toxic people know they are toxic? ›

People with toxic traits know they have them

It's natural to assume someone's bad behavior is a conscious choice. But many people with toxic traits don't realize that their behavior impacts others. You may have toxic traits that you don't know about. Some toxic traits, like absolutism, manifest subtly.

What is stonewalling in a relationship? ›

What does it mean to stonewall someone? In simple terms, stonewalling is when someone completely shuts down in a conversation or is refusing to communicate with another person.

What not to say to inlaws? ›

Things I have learned you should never say to your mother-in-law
  • “No” Such a simple and short word yet so detrimental. ...
  • “It's not a big deal” ...
  • “That might be good for you but it's not for us” ...
  • “We're moving” ...
  • “Your son prefers it like this” ...
  • “Come over anytime” ...
  • “That's not how we parent” ...
  • “We booked a hotel”
Apr 5, 2017

When a mother in law is disrespectful? ›

Stand your ground and refuse to be manipulated. Unless she is prepared to admit her faults and make some significant changes, you may also want to consider limiting her access to your children. It can't possibly be in their best interest to spend much time with a woman who is so hostile and demeaning.

How do you tell your in laws they can't stay at your house? ›

  1. Polite and compassionate honesty is the best solution.
  2. Go with the obvious and simple response.
  3. Explain your notion of preferring to have your own peace at home.
  4. Create an alternative.
  5. Be honest but stay safe.
  6. Don't deflect blame.
  7. Tell them why you're not currently having houseguests.
  8. Suggest other options of places to stay.
Apr 12, 2023

What to do when in-laws are ruining your marriage? ›

Get with your spouse and brainstorm things that your in-laws could do that would be helpful. Then sit down with your in-laws and talk about what you would appreciate them doing. Also, discuss things that you would like them to stop. ➤ Relationships change and evolve.

How long should a mother in law stay? ›

They shouldn't stay for too long – Gloria Asibor

After one year, relatives can come around for maybe one week or two weeks. After they have a baby and either of the mothers wants to come and take care of them, she is not supposed to spend more than three months.

How many people get divorced because of in-laws? ›

The research found in-laws caused arguments in 60% of marriages, while 22 per cent said they would divorce them if they could.

What states have homewrecker laws? ›

Have you ever wanted to sue someone you believe broke up your marriage -- a "homewrecker?" Well, in six states -- Hawaii, Illinois, New Mexico, North Carolina, Mississippi, South Dakota, and Utah -- you can. In those six states, the "Alienation of Affection" claim is an option.

Can I sue my wife's boyfriend for breaking up my marriage? ›

It's called alienation of affection. Cathy Meyer is a certified divorce coach, marriage educator, freelance writer, and founding editor of

What is negligence in a marriage? ›

Willful neglect is the failure of either spouse to provide for the common necessaries of life for the other party, when that spouse has the ability to do so and the party alleging neglect does not have the ability, or when a spouse fails to provide by reason of idleness, profligacy, or dissipation.

How close should you live to your in laws? ›

According to a new survey of more than 2,000 US adults from Ally Home, a digital financial-services company, the majority of respondents say there should be a 15-45 minute buffer zone between themselves and parents or in-laws.

What to do when you can't stand your sister in law? ›

How to Get Along With a Difficult Sister-In-Law
  1. Find Something You Have in Common. ...
  2. Ask Her a Lot of Questions. ...
  3. Choose Your Battles. ...
  4. Find a Buffer. ...
  5. Give Her a Wedding Task to Handle.
Sep 16, 2020

How often should a grown man talk to his mother? ›

Great news: there's no right or wrong number of times per day (or week, month or year) that you should talk to your mother. That magic number is, well, whatever works for the two of you. “Focus on the intention and value of the relationship and less about the shoulds and shouldn'ts,” Dr. Galloway said.

What is the daughter in law syndrome? ›

The Daughter-In-Law Syndrome by Stevie Turner is a surreal account of how in-law relationships can affect a marriage. Arla's behavior in dealing with life's challenges started early in life - like all of us - when she was a child. This behaviour transitioned to her adult life. So it was during Ric's childhood as well.

How do you deal with manipulative and toxic in-laws? ›

20 ways to deal with a manipulative mother-in-law
  1. Understand her motives. ...
  2. Avoid triggers. ...
  3. Detach from her comments. ...
  4. Outline and stick to the boundaries. ...
  5. Involve your partner. ...
  6. Take a break from the relationship. ...
  7. Give up the need to please. ...
  8. Accept she won't' change.
Mar 22, 2021

How often do in-laws cause divorce? ›

The research found in-laws caused arguments in 60% of marriages, while 22 per cent said they would divorce them if they could.

What is the mother-in-law syndrome? ›

An overbearing mother-in-law is someone who is highly critical, self-righteous, and demanding. She will make every effort to ensure that she remains the center of attention, even if you've attempted to set healthy boundaries to avoid conflict.

How do I tell my in-laws not to visit? ›

Instead, whenever you can, provide an honest explanation for why you can't take part in a visit. If you really are sick, just say so. Or, if you have a lot of work to do, say something like, “I'm sorry, but I'm really swamped at work and I can't do a visit this weekend.”

Can bad in-laws ruin a marriage? ›

It's the in-laws.” However, feuds between overbearing in-laws and their child's spouse aren't just for laughs on television. In many cases, these relationships can cause real damage to a marriage, particularly if interference from in-laws becomes persistent.

What is the #1 divorce cause? ›

Lack of Commitment Is the Most Common Reason for Divorce

In fact, 75% of individuals and couples cited lack of commitment as the reason for their divorce.

How do I distance myself from a toxic mother in law? ›

10 ways to deal with a toxic mother-in Law
  1. Keep yourself emotionally distant. ...
  2. Avoid triggering. ...
  3. Avoid self-judgment. ...
  4. It's okay to avoid pretending. ...
  5. You don't need to try. ...
  6. Remain true to yourself. ...
  7. Allow your mate to step in. ...
  8. Forgiveness doesn't have to be for the other person.
Mar 14, 2022

What is an enmeshed mother in law? ›

Enmeshment. It's possible that one (or more) of your in-laws still thinks they are the most important person in your spouse's life. They may still be trying to parent your spouse—what to wear, how to behave, how to treat you, advice about work, etc.

What are the traits of a manipulative mother-in-law? ›

One of the signs of a bad mother-in-law is emotional manipulation. She can fake it until she makes it. A manipulative mother-in-law can cry when needed, get angry, or sick. She knows how to get attention and her way by using the empathy of others.

What is daughter in law disease? ›

The Daughter-In-Law Syndrome by Stevie Turner is a surreal account of how in-law relationships can affect a marriage. Arla's behavior in dealing with life's challenges started early in life - like all of us - when she was a child. This behaviour transitioned to her adult life. So it was during Ric's childhood as well.

What is the jealous mother-in-law? ›

Jealous mother-in-law signs may involve interfering in your marriage, the way you function or being vocal about how you should raise your children. She will try to find faults with your style of upbringing and maybe even compare you with how excellently she brought up her children.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.